100% Satisfaction Guarantee (if you don't like a bottle, we'll credit you for it).
100+ wine regions to explore (US & International)
3,000 awards and counting
300+ wines in our catalogue
Firstleaf takes the guesswork out of wine selection, but leaves all of the adventure
Quality exploration
Personalized wines
Exceptional value
Our portfolio of wines is curated from the best regions, varietals, and styles from all over the world. We sample over 10,000 wines each year and select only the best for our members.
We use proprietary technology to analyze each wine and map our vast portfolio to your unique palate through our advanced quiz and ratings system.
We eliminate the middleman and work directly with some of the world’s foremost wine producers, saving customers up to 60% off retail prices for Club orders.
We guarantee variety and quality in every box
We sample thousands of wines from all over the world a year and only 2% make it into the club.
Join Firstleaf, the most personalized and flexible wine club.
Further customize each order
No commitment
Set your own frequency
Skip any order and set your desired frequency between orders.
Manage quantity, wine types and swap any wine you are not sure of.